We had our second adoption fundraiser garage sale a couple weeks ago. We ended up raising $1300!!!! Praise God! Just another confirmation that this is HIS plan. My amazing friend Sarah and I have done garage sales every year for the past 3 years and NEVER have we made that much money...usually $300 or so....it just amazes me. Seriously in awe of the God we serve! Thank you to all who came out and shopped, donated items to sell, and just simply supported us!! THANK YOU!
Last week, Addie and I were so blessed to be able to travel to San Antonio to the National Down Syndrome Conference. Zac, Addie, my mom, and my cousin and I went last year, so it was a bit different just going with Addie and I. But with trying to save every single extra dime to bring Sister home, it was best to just go with Addie and I. We had a hard time deciding to go until the Lord provided our hotel room to us for FREE!! Thank you Amy and Maria!!! Then, we received TWO conference scholarships...one from our local DS support group and the other from Family 2 Family Iowa. SO THANKFUL! We would not have been able to go had it not been for all of these things happening. Addie and I had an AMAZING time and were able to catch up with people we met last year, as well as meet so many new families. LOVE LOVE LOVE our DS friends. SO THANKFUL! I was terrible about taking pics, but so many people have posted pics to my FB page, so feel free to go and take a look! I'm still trying to get them all saved to my computer so I can get them posted on here!
As far as our adoption....well...it is going....slow, but it is moving along....still waiting for our USCIS approval. Another family that is adopting finally got their approval after 18 weeks! (we're in our 8th week of waiting) We know that this is all in God's timing, so I am trying to be patient but it is SO HARD! Once we receive our USCIS approval then we submit our dossier to Ecuador, then we will receive the official referal of Sister, then we submit that to USCIS for approval of Sister here in the states, THEN...we wait for a travel date....so we are still PRAYING HARD that we will be getting Sister before Christmas. It makes me sick to my stomach that we might not make it before Christmas...but we can only pray.
We have raised about $8K and still have another almost $9K left to go (see chipin icon on sidebar)...we will be having an online fundraiser coming up in the next couple of weeks! So thankful for all of the support!
I will try to get pictures posted soon!
Sometimes I Surprise People
2 weeks ago
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