Monday Dec. 26th
Adriana got out of bed on her own today and came into my room!!!!! THIS IS HUGE! Since she was still sleeping in a crib at the orphanage she has not gotten out of bed on her own when she wakes up from naps and I know some parents would think that was a good thing....but in this case, it is such a blessing that she feels safe enough to get out of bed and come crawl into bed with me. Such a blessing. (Zac was already out working)
Priscilla called (via her brother Andre translating) and let us know she was going to be at our place in 20 minutes to pick us up and take us to INFA to sign some papers...luckily we were already up and ready as we were getting ready to get some groceries...
Priscila and her broth Andre took us to INFA to sign the papers. Priscila let us know she would hope to hear from the judge this afternoon and we could still get a signature appointment yet today and court tomorrow...she asked us if we wanted to ride along to Cholegal...a town about an hour away that is known for their silver and gold...of course that sounded good to me! And Zac was up for the adventur as well..they dropped us off at the Supermaxi to get groceries and let us know they'd be by around 3:30 to pick us up for our trip. Grocery shopping is getting easier now that we know what to look for and what our typical items are.. We got a taxi home and had lunch and took a nice nap.
We rode out to Cholegal and had nice conversation with Pricilla and Andre with Andre translating. =) Andre purchasing some gifts for his wife that was flying in from Canada on Wednesday...we enjoyed looking at all of the jewelry stores and Adriana of course enjoyed seeing all of the dogs and pulling on our arms whenever she saw one that looked interesting..she is going to LOVE Daisy and Kona!
Our drive home was good....a little rough and both Zac and I's stomachs were feeling it as we neared our apartment...we had a nice dinner of Mac N Cheese (thanks Shalane!) and got Adriana to bed.
Priscilla called to let us know she had not heard from the judge and that she was still hoping we could do signatures tomorrow and court Wednesday...which obviously meant Zac would need to cancel flights...bummed, but it is what it is and it's really not worth stressing over. She let us know she would call us as soon as she heard from the judge...she is still thinking we'll have court this we will pray!
Sometimes I Surprise People
2 weeks ago
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