Today Sister woke up at about 7 am...didn't sleep in as long...but it was still a good nights rest. She seems to be s bit restless when we put more blankets on her....I think sleeping in the crib she only had one blanket each night and it was probably warmer the windows don't close the greatest so it does get pretty chilly at we may just have to start dressing her in multiple layers and not worry about the blankets..
I felt good this morning whe I woke up. My back was not as sore as it was Saturday night so that is good. Prayers are being answered! I was able to go about my day with minmal if any pain. I made pancakes for breakfast and Sister really enjoyed that! She is still eating quite fast and gets annoyed if you try to take her plate a away while she chews what's in her mouth..
We were hoping to find an English speaking church, but have not had any we listened to some music, Zac worked and Sister and I played. She enjoys playing with play dough. I also brought some cards that our speech therapist used with Addie when she was younger and Sister seems to enjoy looking at the cards and attempting to repeat what I say. I need to take a video of that.
Our translator and her friend John came by today to check in on us. They asked us if we wanted to go this big park in Cuenca..can't think of the name right now..but they drove us there and it was a lot of fun. We just walked around as Sister didn't show much interest in doing anything. She pretty much just hung on to Zac and seemed nervous if we tried to have her walk. Its amazing to see how comfortable she is once we step inside the gates of the apartment vs. how she is when we are outside our apartment. It is all so very new to we just have to go slowly and spread out the days that we do big things..oh and she is absolutely in love with dogs....anywhere we go, if she sees a dog she is so happy..she'll say puppy and then attempt to make the woof woof sound...very cute!
We had a good night tonight, Zac made spaghetti and papaya. Sister loved the spaghetti and kept saying "ma" for more...but after two helpings and some papaya we had to cut her off. :-)
We got to talk to Addie again today. We are both relly missing her and praying that it gets better. It is so very hard to not be able to have her hugs and kisses everyday. Makes me cry just writing this. I know this is Gods plan and we are trusting in Him....but man this is hard!
Tomorrow we go to the orphanage and pray that the INFA social worker has the paper work done. Please pray with us that once the report is submitted we get assigned a good court number and that the judge that has our case gives us a date soon. We need to have court next week so that Zac can leave Cuenca on the 27th.
We're also praying for a court date next week so that once court is done we can move to Quito as there are three other families there adopting and residing in Quito so we'd have some like minded people to hang out with and I know Zac would feel better leaving if he knew I had other families here to call on if need be.
God is good. Thank you for sharing our journey. We love the comments as if we were still in the states. We are so thankful for your prayers during our journey. Hugs to all!
Sometimes I Surprise People
2 weeks ago
I love reading your journey every day! I am sorry about your back, but glad it is feeling better. I can't imagine the sadness in missing Addie! I hope it gets better soon, too.
wouldnt that be nice for you to be in Quito with other families. My husband was able to go home after week five- my 16 year old son was with me and the family who's apt we stayed in spoke English. So you will return to Quito then to Guayaquil at the end for her paperwork at the embassy? Yes, God is good. Very very good.
praying for a quick court date. can't wait to see a video of sister looking at her cards!
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