Thursday Dec. 29th
We found out last night that our court hearing will be Friday at 11:30. Praise be to God as Zac wll be able to fly home and spend a couple days with Addie before returning to work on Tuesday. John took us out to a nice dinner at this place that brings the meat out on this huge platter....we quickly found out that Adriana loves steak!
Zac is working today while I am getting his bags packed and sending emails to make sure all is ready at home and schedules are set for Addie.
We are waiting to hear from our travel agent on Zac's flight but are planning on him arriving in Chicago Saturday night and driving to my parents to get Addie on Sunday morning...I so wish I was there to see Addie's reaction when she sees him.
John called to see if we wanted to go to lunch (I think he's sad Zac is leaving as well as I know they've enjoyed talking to each other) and we also needed to go to the bank to get some cash out as we were running John took us to the local place that served the traditional soup, rice, and meat dish...however the soup was this fish base with corn, bananas, and pieces of stomach still turns thinking about it..and the meat dish was something that involved some kind of hot dog...I ended up being not very hungry.
I was also having a hard time with the whole idea of Zac leaving and Zac kept analyzing everything and asking me all these questions about time frames remaining...and the fear, anxiety, and stress of it all was starting to get to me...I feel sorry for John as I was somewhat emotional and ended up having to leave in the middle of lunch to have a time out in the bathroom and just let myself cry for a minute...I know I'll be fine...but it is so easy for the devil to creep in and fill my mind with all sorts of a couple minutes to let myself cry, repeated some scriptures and had a chat with my Heavenly Father and I was good to go..I also felt bad as I know Zac is worrying about Adri and I and I want to show him that I am confident and will be OK...but I guess I failed at doing that at lunch! LOL
Across the street was the Bank Museum that is one of the larget museums here and has all sorts of differnt things to look at as well as the history of the money system here in Ecuador. (they now use the American dollar) It was interesting as there was carpet in the museum and Adriana would run from the carpet to the linolium and back again...she would also reach down and feel the was pretty fun to watch. John and Zac enjoyed reading and looking at all the money history and Adriana and I enjoyed running around chasing each other amongst the pillars of coins...we had fun.
We got back to the apartment later than expected and we were able to all take a nap. I had another good cry over Zac leaving and spent some more time filling myself with scripture and the truth. When I woke up from my nap I could tell the Holy Spirit had completely rid those negative thoughts out of my head and I was filled again with the truth that God was carrying us on this part of the journey and Adri and I would be just fine as well as Zac and his flights.
We decided to head out to the pizza place near the Supermaxi for dinner as well as stock up on groceries as Zac wanted to make sure I didn't have to try and haul water and groceries back when it was just Adri and I...have I mentioned by husband is amazing?
We enjoyed just snuggling and hanging out together one last night with the three of us...I made sure all of our clothes and things were ready for the next day as Priscilla was picking us up at 11:00 to go to the court house...
Sometimes I Surprise People
2 weeks ago
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