Signature verification....complete! This was something both Zac and I were nervous about as Zac's signature is never the same...but it was very easy for us and our judge! We had a very nice traslator who did a very good job for us. The court building is huge and very intimidating! We walked in, met our judge, and sat down...he and his secretary looked at our passports and typed up the document for us to sign to verify signatures. We had to stand and take oathe that this was our sigantures that we use for all things...and we were done! Both Priscila and our translator asked the judge for court tomorow...the judge said he'd have to check his we wait and see what he enters into the system. Priscila thought we should know later tonight....wish we had gotten an actual date...but nothing much we can do. We walked outside the court houe and there was a very bright double rainbow! I'm translating it is a signal from God that He's got it all covered...
John called us and invited us to dinner, so we are waiting for him to pick us will be good to get out while we wait to hear something from the judge.
We are still very hopeful that we'll have court tomorrow and Zac can leave tomorrow night. Addie has contantly been asking for mom, dad, and Adri...and has also had runny stools today, so that's great...wondering if she's got an upset stomach over us being gone so long...either way, we need to get Zac home to her! So wish I was there to see her reaction when she sees her daddy!
Sometimes I Surprise People
2 weeks ago
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